Anwendung wechseln:

Stapelplus (EN)

Windows application for mass processing and connection to weighing systems.

Product description

The eANV extension Batch+ enables you to mass process consignment notes and transfer notes in a way similar to Excel.

With Stapel+ you can:

Update quantities, data, license plates, etc.

Sign, send and print BGS and UNS in batch

Import CSV files from weighing systems for automatic quantity transfer

Minimum contract period 2 years, thereafter if not cancelled within 12 weeks before the end of a calendar year,

it shall be extended by one year at a time. Invoicing takes place annually in advance, starting from provision always on the 1st of the month.

Contract Conditions / Duration

Minimum contract period 2 years, thereafter if not cancelled within 12 weeks before the end of a calendar year, it shall be extended by one year at a time. Invoicing takes place annually in advance, starting from provision always on the 1st of the month.

500.00 € yearly

plus VAT

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